BIOstrat — 5-4-4

Granulated chicken manure fermented with potassium humate Ekor-K.

up to 10,000 rub.
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Technology description

BIOstrategy Company, in collaboration with domestic specialists, has developed and mastered a technology for the production of organic fertilizer from chicken manure compost, which allows preserving the original value of the fertilizer, avoiding the negative factor of converting nitrogen into ammonia.

Organic fertilizer BIOstrat 5-4-4 is a product of fermentation of chicken manure into high-quality compost, which is dried at high temperature and granulated.

It is a cylindrical granule of dark brown color, with a diameter of 5 mm, an average length of 10 mm, without a pronounced unpleasant odor. The bulk density of the granule is 600-650 kg/m. cube The fertilizer contains: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, necessary for plants, as well as a full range of microelements (calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, boron, iron).

But the most important advantage of this fertilizer is the organic component - more than 80% of the granules. After all, it is thanks to the organic components processed during the fermentation process that the beneficial bacteria that are found in the soil activate their activity and enter into symbiosis with plants and the earth replenishes its humus layer.

Receiving nutrition from our granules, these microorganisms improve the structure of the soil, produce antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria fill the soil with nitrogen compounds, and metabolism improves.

500-1000 kg per 1 ha - grains and industrial crops

from 5,000 rub. per 1 ha

1000-2000 kg per 1 ha - potatoes and vegetables

from 10,000 rub. per 1 ha

The company's main products are Bio-Organic-Mineral Fertilizers (BOMF), which are comparable in effectiveness to mineral fertilizers, but significantly superior to them in their positive effect on crops and soil.

BOMU from Biostrategia is a universal-purpose fertilizer suitable for all types of soil and all types of plants. Its composition is rich in micro- and macroelements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as Mg, Ca, Mn, B, Mo, Fe, Zn, etc. The main benefits include increased productivity, improved crop quality, long-term effects on the soil, and also simplicity and low cost of application.

The specialization of our company is the development and implementation of modern and innovative technical solutions for processing chicken manure and peat-sapropel mixtures into bioorganomineral fertilizers (BOMF) in granular form to increase productivity and the quality of soil composition. BOMU produced by our company are effectively used in combination with various types of bacteria and with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

For more detailed standards, see the document

General phosphorus
Total potassium
Organics and trace elements

For the production of our Biostrat 5-4-4 fertilizer, fresh litter manure is used, which is brought from the poultry house to the receiving site and mixed mechanically (turner) with a solution of the enzyme preparation potassium humate based on peat, which accelerates the process of converting manure into high quality compost. At this stage, the unpleasant odor disappears and the release of ammonia nitrogen decreases. The turner forms piles, and it turns several times for at least 72 hours - aeration occurs.

Previously, science believed that the smell of bird droppings was formed by the release of hydrogen sulfide gases. It is easy to identify by its smell - it resembles the smell of rotten eggs. A solution of ammonia in water (ammonia hydrate) is toxic; it has a pungent, pungent odor and acts as an irritant even in relatively low concentrations. Scientists have now proven that the main producers of odor in bird droppings are indole and skatole. The issue with the smell of ammonia is resolved quite simply. SKATOL (3-methylindole, 4-methyl-2,3-benzopyrrole) is an organic heterocyclic compound, a derivative of indole (β-methylindole). Colorless crystals. The name of the substance comes from the Greek version of the word "dung". Typically, in nature, the substance is produced by bacteria in the intestines of humans and animals from tryptophan (an essential amino acid). Subsequently, the substance is released from the body and gives an unpleasant odor. Treatment with an enzyme preparation based on potassium humate (peat extract) has a positive effect. Ammonia, formed in manure and water during the decomposition of organic matter, is quickly oxidized to nitrous and then to nitric acid - a process called nitrification. However, the reverse process immediately begins to occur in parallel - denitrification.

The increase in the concentration of ammonium ions continues for almost a day, after which ammonia begins to decrease, without resuming the denitrification process. The minimum content of ammonium ions is reached on the second or third day, which is confirmed by an increase in nitrites and nitrates, this indicates the transition of ammonium ions into other types of nitrogen absorbed by plants, and the possibility of using processed manure in the form of organic fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.


After the fermentation process, we receive a semi-finished product - high-quality compost without an unpleasant odor, which must be dried to stabilize and preserve its beneficial properties. To do this, the homogeneous mass is fed by a conveyor into a high-temperature drying unit at a temperature of more than 250 degrees Celsius. The heat generator runs on gas. At this stage, a series of chemical reactions occur, complete separation of water, as well as nitrogen fixation and the formation of mineral salts and humic compounds.

The dried product is crushed in parallel to a powdery fraction. The drying process is carried out in a specialized facility adapted for aggressive environments.

At the end of this stage, we receive the finished product in the form of bulk fertilizer, which is subsequently used for granulation.


For production, a matrix granulator is used, which allows the production of granules with a diameter of 5 mm. At this stage, loose fertilizer is fed into the granulator, which under high pressure is converted into granules measuring 5 mm in diameter and 4 to 15 mm in length. The granulation line is equipped with a granule cooler and a sieve for sifting and aerating the resulting dust, which goes back into processing.


After receiving the finished product, it is packaged in containers that do not allow moisture to penetrate inside. To do this, we use large industrial packaging containers designed for a weight of 1000 kg of fertilizer (big bags, MKR).

Presentation BioStrategy 2023

About our product

Please check the application rates for our products
Universal for all types of plants and soils
Different application
Different methods of applying the product
Accumulative effect is observed
for up to 3 years
Balanced organo-mineral composition
Increases yield by
more than 25%
soil fertility
Unique fertilizer formulations

Similar products

Application rates

250-350 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,500 rub. per 1 ha

500-800 kg per 1 ha - potatoes and vegetables

from 8,000 rub. per 1 ha

General phosphorus
Total potassium
Application rates

from 150 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha

Application rates

from 100 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha

Application rates

from 100 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha

Application rates

Application rate: 200-300 ml per 1 hectare. Pre-sowing seed treatment. Consumption: 10 liters per ton

starting from 2,000 rubles per liter.

Application rates

Working solution consumption 10 l per 1 ton

from 118 rub. for 1 l. (without VAT)

Humic and fulvic acids
Macro and microelements
Application rates

The consumption of the working solution is 200 liters per hectare

At a rate of 118 rubles per 1 liter (excluding VAT)

Humic and fulvic acids
Macro and microelements

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