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  • «Biostrategy» is a manufacturer of organo—mineral fertilizers on various bases

«Biostrategy» is a manufacturer of organo—mineral fertilizers on various bases

In a world where taking care of our planet is becoming an increasingly urgent task, Biostrategy promotes the values of sustainable agriculture. We do not just produce bio-organo-mineral fertilizers (BOMU) - Biostrategy paves the way for new achievements in environmentally oriented agriculture.

The Biostrategy company creates and produces BOMAS that not only increase yields, but also contribute to soil restoration and improve crop quality.

We strive to lead in the field of fertilizer introduction by participating in the creation of new and effective technologies in agriculture. Our mission is to inspire farmers around the world to explore and apply more environmentally friendly and productive methods Biostrategy is a response to the challenges of modern agriculture. Created using natural ingredients and biologically active substances, they help to more carefully and favorably affect the soil, moreover, they do not pollute the soil and water with chemical residues, making agriculture more environmentally friendly.

BIOstrategia Company, in cooperation with domestic experts in the field of chemistry and microbiology, has developed and mastered technologies for the production of BOM from chicken manure and cattle manure, which allow to preserve the original value of fertilizer, avoiding the negative factor of nitrogen conversion into ammonia.

BOMU, created by Biostrategy, are products of fermentation of chicken manure or cattle manure together with mineral additives and highly effective bacteria, processed according to unique recipes into high-quality compost, which is dried at high temperature (this process disinfects compost, and also kills weed seeds) and granulated. In terms of their effectiveness and cost of application per 1 Hectare, they are more than competitive with mineral fertilizers, while significantly surpassing them in their positive effects on crops and soil

Fertilizers contain everything necessary for plants: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as a full complex of trace elements (calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, boron, iron, etc.) and 70-85% organic matter. Also, in our types of BOM, mineral additives are used that increase the amount of NPK or bacteria, which increase the effectiveness of the fertilizer's effect on the soil and, accordingly, on agricultural crops.

The processing of fresh organic matter makes it possible to preserve organic compounds in the resulting fertilizers (transfer their mineralization directly into the soil), as well as mineral components.

This ensures, in comparison with other technologies, the most complete supply of soil with energy material and food for microorganisms. The formation of complex, slowly soluble and complex compounds in the resulting fertilizer allows nitrogen and potassium to be fixed in an exchange form and reduce their mobility, and phosphorus to be converted into a form easily assimilated by plants. Due to this, the utilization rate of nutrients from BOM reaches 90-95%, and, as a result, they are more effective than mineral fertilizers with the same application rate.

Complex fertilizers

The use of BOM, due to the activation of the activity of soil microorganisms, enhances the processes of nitrogen immobilization and mineralization of organic matter in the soil, which ensures better use by plants of not only soil nitrogen, including microbial biomass, but also mineral fertilizers

Therefore, Biostrategy fertilizers are effectively used in combination with different types of bacteria and with different types of mineral fertilizers.

BOMU are cylindrical granules of dark brown color, with a diameter of 4 mm (used for seeders) and 5 mm (scattered by RUM), an average length of 10 mm without a pronounced unpleasant odor. The bulk density of granules is 600-650 kg/cubic meter. Packed in 1000 kg big bags. It is possible to pack in smaller containers - polyethylene and polypropylene bags or bags with a label

Application periods: before planting — spring, autumn; for plowing; as a top dressing during vegetation.

Advantages of our Biostrategy BOM:

  • universal – for all types of soils and plants;
  • convenient and economical for transportation, storage and application;
  • aftereffect for 3 years;
  • does not wash out with water and does not evaporate;
  • improves the air regime of soils;
  • improves the biocenosis in the soil;
  • does not contain pathogenic flora, weed seeds, eggs and larvae of pathogens;
  • reduces the cost of mineral fertilizers with high yields
  • increases not only the quantity, but also the quality of the crop

Recommended application rates for BOM:

  • Biostrate 5-4-4 – organic fertilizer based on chicken manure:
    • 500-1000 kg per 1 Ha - cereals and industrial crops;
    • 1000-2000 kg per 1 Ha - potatoes and vegetables.
  • Biostrate 5-4-4 with microbiology:
    • 200-300 kg per 1 Ha – cereals and industrial crops;
    • 500-700 kg per 1 Ha - potatoes and vegetables.
  • Analogues of mineral fertilizersAzofoska 16-16-16, Diammophoska 10-26-26, Ammophos 12-52 and Sulfoammophos
    • the same standards are applied as in the original fertilizers, but with a lower cost, while the result is better, since trace elements and organic matter are additionally supplied

The Biostrategy company is also engaged in other areas and types of products:

  • Potassium humates, growth stimulants, seeds, technologies and equipment for processing poultry and livestock waste.
  • We work in all regions of Russia.
  • We organize delivery.
  • Individual approach to payment, it is also possible to exchange crops for fertilizers produced by Biostrategy.
Kocherga Valentin Andreevich — Project manager
With respect,
Kocherga Valentin Andreevich
Project manager
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