Fertilizer potassium humate and its application

Humates are used to improve the health and condition of the soil, soaking seeds, seedlings, processing seedlings after planting by spraying and protecting plants during cold weather. Humic compounds act similarly to organo-mineral fertilizers. The compositions promote the absorption of nutrients, provide protection and enhance the immunity of plants. Therefore, information about potassium humate fertilizer and its application is of interest to many owners of agricultural fields.

Basic information and properties of potassium humate

Potassium humate is often used on agricultural farms and suburban areas. The composition is obtained by extraction of potassium hydroxide from the bottom peat. Potassium humate is a natural growth stimulant. It includes many organic acids and trace elements.

Potassium humate is a high–quality fertilizer that includes substances necessary for the development, growth, and productivity of plants. The use of the composition improves the structure, improves soil fertility. The fertilizer includes biologically active compounds. They activate the vital activity of microorganisms in the earth, which has a positive effect on crops.

Trace elements, amino acids, humic acids, organic silicon and other elements in the composition of potassium humate contribute to the uniform distribution of substances in the earth and their production by plants. Such feeding allows the fruits to be tied faster. After using the composition, the yield increases to 50% of the norm, and the crop ripens earlier.

Humate increases the rate of formation of the root system, increases the growth of green mass, improves the resistance of crops to negative external factors, reduces the negative effect of herbicides. Fertilizer becomes the basis for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the soil. Microorganisms enrich the earth and increase the availability of nutrients for plants. The effect of using fertilizers is especially visible on depleted and poor soils.

The root system

Other properties of the composition:

  • decrease in soil acidity;
  • increase in the effectiveness of the use of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides;
  • increase in plant resistance to various diseases, pests, and other adverse factors.

With regular application of potassium humate to the soil, the humus layer gradually increases.

Features of the fertilizer. Differences from sodium humate

The level of humus content in the soil has an effect on fertility:

  • an organic compound is one of the main participants in different food chains;
  • humus is both a product of vital activity and a source of nutrition for many bacteria, earthworms, and other living creatures;
  • the substance is an integral component of the soil, which is required for plant nutrition.

Humus converts potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and other trace elements from solid into a form accessible to plants:

  • the minerals in the earth are in solid form. They include all the trace elements that are necessary for the growth and development of plants;
  • elements useful for crops in the form of stable chemical compounds are not able to independently transform into a form accessible to plants;
  • humus compounds convert the mineral solid form of trace elements into organic over time.

Manufacturers offer potassium humate and sodium humate. These formulations are similar, but have a number of differences. Sodium Humate:

  • sodium alkalizes the soil;
  • in agricultural activities, the use of sodium is regulated;
  • leonardite is mainly used for the production of the composition;
  • the composition is often used for industrial purification at production facilities.

Potassium Humate:

  • compounds are produced by extraction of potassium hydroxide from bottom peat;
  • the composition includes calcium, silicon, and other trace elements useful for plants;
  • the substance is additionally enriched with potassium.
Humic substances are organic compounds found in soil, peat, shale, coal, and sediments formed at the bottom of reservoirs.

Features of the composition of humate

The effectiveness and high activity of the fertilizer is due to the presence in the composition of:

  • amino acids;
  • humic acid compounds
  • trace elements;
  • silicon, which is available for absorption by plants.

The main component of humates is silicon of organic origin. The trace element plays the role of a catalyst in many processes that occur inside living cells.

Use of fertilizer in case of soil fatigue

Fertilizer is actively used to restore the land:

  • after entering the ground, humate acts as a power source that is required by the microflora;
  • the composition solves the problem of low humus content in the soil;
  • humate increases the activity of microorganisms;
  • after using the fertilizer, the process of transition of elements from solid to a form accessible to crops is activated.

Humate not only contains a large number of trace elements, but also allows you to create a reserve of nutrients for plants in the soil. By itself, it does not have a reserve of useful elements, but acts as a catalyst in various processes that occur in the earth.

Foliar top dressing

Amino acids, which are part of potassium humate, are the reason why the fertilizer is suitable for non–root fertilizing. Features of humate treatment of plants:

  • fertilizer works similarly to organomineral compounds;
  • the compound increases the activity of membranes and various metabolic processes;
  • humate reduces the activity of growth inhibitors.

The last property of fertilizer is appreciated by farmers.

Combating the harmful effects of chemicals

chemical control

When conducting agricultural activities and farming, pesticides are used, which are almost impossible to do without. Some types of pesticides, including herbicides, cause great harm to crops. Initially, humates were used to get rid of such contaminants. Potassium humate can completely neutralize the negative effects of herbicides on plants at non-lethal doses.

Potassium humate is additionally used:

  • to remove unpleasant odors from septic tanks, outdoor toilets, compost, manure piles, etc.;
  • at the beginning of using new sites;
  • to improve the quality of soil in containers that are intended for indoor plants.

Humates play an important role when used together with herbicides. They can neutralize the negative impact on cultures.

Potassium humate for plants

The composition is used both by large farms and in suburban areas.

Soaking seedlings

In private farming, fertilizers are actively used to soak seedlings before planting in the ground. Young trees with open roots are soaked in the composition for 12-24 hours. This procedure helps seedlings cope with the stress of planting, promotes the activation of the formation of a powerful root system, and improves the production of nutrients from the soil.

Soaking of bulbs, seeds

Many owners of suburban areas and agricultural complexes use potassium humate to process seeds and bulbs before planting in the ground. Soaking ensures the friendly awakening of sprouts, rapid growth, and plant resistance to stress from transplantation.

Top dressing

Fertilizer is necessary for the treatment of poor clay-type soils, if it is planned to plant crops or fruit trees, shrubs on the site. When planting plants on such soils, it is recommended to soak seedlings with roots, and then carry out root and non-root fertilization of plants in the summer.

The use of fertilizers for processing in a non-root way helps to solve an acute problem. In many Russian regions, cooling is observed after the onset of heat in the spring period. Many people plant seedlings of tomatoes and peppers in the ground in May during warm weather. During this period, the weather can change dramatically. When the temperature decreases, non-root fertilizing of seedlings with fertilizer helps to relieve stress from the cold due to the presence of amino acids in the composition. The drugs contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes in plant cells.

Foliar top dressing in combination with soaking seeds and roots before planting increases the drought resistance of crops.

How to use Potassium humate

Potassium humate fertilizer and its application are of interest to many. The product is produced by many manufacturers, so the method of application may vary. Before use, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions, which must be attached to the drug or the method of use is indicated on the label.

Potassium humate is a non–toxic product, so you do not need to use personal protective equipment. When using the drug for plants, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • seedlings. Young trees are soaked for 12-24 hours. The period depends on the quality and condition of the seedling. If it is in good condition, there is a developed root system and there are no signs of drying, then the duration of the procedure is 10-12 hours. If the drying of the roots is noticeable, the period increases to 24 hours;
  • seeds. Vegetable seeds are soaked for 10-12 hours. If the seeds have hatched, the concentration decreases, and the soaking period is halved;
  • Kocherga Valentin Andreevich — Project manager
    With respect,
    Kocherga Valentin Andreevich
    Project manager
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