Regardless of the state of modern agriculture, organizations and individuals will use organic fertilizers to grow crops. The process is accelerated through the use of equipment and special equipment.
If the same soil is used for harvesting, then every year it will become more and more depleted, losing important trace elements. Many experienced farmers are increasingly paying attention to environmentally friendly organic and organomineral fertilizers. A good example is the products of the ECOR-K trademark, which is produced on the basis of humic acids from lowland peat. This organomineral supplement based on potassium humate is already used in the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries. The product has a state registration.It should be noted that today you can find different types of fertilizers on the market. We propose to find out what specific types of top dressing can be used for soil in order to restore nutrition and yield.
The earth is not capable of providing an infinite amount of resources for plants every year. Almost any agricultural state depends on the level of soil fertility and if the land is not provided with fertilizers, the population will not receive enough food and some groups of goods will not be exported, which will lead to violation of international contracts. Despite the widespread use of hydroponic farms, crops grown outdoors are considered more valuable due to the content of sufficient nutrients.
Agriculture has changed a lot in recent years – the scale of land processing has increased several times. Any experienced farmer knows that the soil is not capable of producing the same yield every year. The number of crops grown depends on many factors – weather conditions, recurrent frosts, pests, precipitation levels, plant diseases, and so on. Some factors cannot be influenced by a person. But the farmer can make enough fertilizers.
Fortunately, the market provides a wide range of products to improve the condition of the soil. But it is important to purchase proven fertilizers that are able to provide the soil with nutrients without harming it in the future.This is one of the reasons why, as an example, we cite the drug "ECOR-K", created on the basis of potassium humate. This product helps to prevent soil degradation and restore fertility.
This product is manufactured on an industrial scale at production facilities. The basis for fertilizers of this type is a set of substances obtained through chemical synthesis – in most cases they are devoid of carbon. Despite the fact that the owners of private plots prefer to abandon such fertilizing, mineral fertilizers are actively used to restore the fertility of fields of dozens of hectares. The main advantage is the ease of purchase and application.
Let's pay attention to the main advantages of this group of substances:
It is easy to purchase – almost any store operating in the field of fertilizer sales is able to present an assortment of mineral fertilizers.The main disadvantage of mineral fertilizers is the potential danger to human health in the process of applying such top dressing – in the process of applying a chemical product, you need to use overalls.
Many farmers today point to the problem of aggressive introduction of chemical technologies, intensive farming and the introduction of high doses of mineral fertilizers. This leads to a deficiency of certain nutrients, deterioration of agrochemical soils and other problems. Therefore, we once again want to draw attention to the drug "ECOR-K", which is a powerful catalyst for biochemical processes in the soil. Mineral fertilizers are divided into 4 types: nitrogen, phosphate, potash and complex.
The nitrogen group is used in the spring, when plants enter a phase of rapid growth. This type of fertilizer is needed for active leaf growth. An experienced gardener knows that a plant needs a sufficient amount of nitrogen for proper cell construction, nutrition of the culture with protein, vitamins and nucleic compounds.Nitrogen additives are divided into three groups:
The third group is potash fertilizers. Potassium promotes the synthesis of plants and increases their resistance to frost. This element is also involved in the process of photosynthesis. Fertilizers of this type are extracted from fossil ore.
The complex group of fertilizers is considered to be the most in demand due to its high efficiency. The composition of such an additive contains more than two active substances that have a positive effect on the condition of the soil. They not only contribute to the normal development of plants, but also strengthen the immunity of the culture. Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium components can be used as a base. The composition of each product is different.
Mineral top dressing is effective, but many summer residents prefer to use the organic option. The drug "ECOR-K" consists of substances that are used by the soil to obtain nutrients and energy.Like the drug "ECOR-K", these types of top dressing are created from agricultural waste. The natural origin of additives of this type allows the soil to recover after the next harvest. They are more often used for private farming or a country garden. Organics has a lot of advantages:
Some farmers tend to add sawdust and ash.
This type of fertilizer is perfect for ensuring the rapid growth of crops. Trace elements contribute to improving the processes of vegetation and increasing yields. A small amount of micronutrients can be found in both organic and mineral fertilizers.
If the soil is used for growing plants from year to year, then the land is depleted – the amount of trace elements is rapidly decreasing, which affects yields.
Categories of micronutrients:
A fertilizer category may consist of several components to meet the needs associated with soil saturation.
500-1000 kg per 1 ha - grains and industrial crops
from 5,000 rub. per 1 ha
1000-2000 kg per 1 ha - potatoes and vegetables
from 10,000 rub. per 1 ha
250-350 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops
from 4,500 rub. per 1 ha
500-800 kg per 1 ha - potatoes and vegetables
from 8,000 rub. per 1 ha
from 150 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops
from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha
from 100 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops
from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha
from 100 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops
from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha
Application rate: 200-300 ml per 1 hectare. Pre-sowing seed treatment. Consumption: 10 liters per ton
starting from 2,000 rubles per liter.
Working solution consumption 10 l per 1 ton
from 118 rub. for 1 l. (without VAT)
The consumption of the working solution is 200 liters per hectare
At a rate of 118 rubles per 1 liter (excluding VAT)