Terms and methods of fertilization

It is recommended to introduce mineral and organic substances into the soil in order to improve the quality and quantity of the crop, as well as maintain the chemical composition of the soil. Due to the timely application of fertilizers at the right time, and subject to compliance with the dose, its characteristics are improved. In the future, this contributes to the full development of culture, and increases resistance to diseases and pests. In addition to the main purpose of fertilizing, it is possible to control the acidity of the soil by applying fertilizers. The timing and methods of fertilization are individual: depending on the climate, soil characteristics, climatic zone, and, of course, the culture itself.

Fertilization of agricultural crops

Crop fertilizer

The yield index of the soil indicates its chemical composition, namely, the presence of useful elements for plants. Mineral fertilizers help to eliminate the factor of lack of nutrients in the soil, due to which its characteristics actually improve. You can determine the deficiency of an element in the soil yourself, by the appearance of plants:

    Signs of a shortage of elements:

  1. Nitrogen. Old leaves change color, the process of dying is noticeable. They take on a brownish hue.
  2. Phosphorus. The old leaves take on a darker color, up to the formation of brown spots.
  3. Potassium. The leaves turn yellow, the edges gradually dry out, which as a result leads to the death of parts.
  4. Calcium. Chlorosis, leaves twist and bend.
  5. Magnesium. The tips are bent, pigmentation between the veins is noticeable.

It is equally important to choose the right time for the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. In this case, it is worth starting from the period during which the availability of nutrients is more valuable for crops.

Mineral and organic fertilizers — the difference

Before understanding the differences between organic and mineral fertilizers, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, characteristics, and effects on plants. Many gardeners consciously use only organic matter, others prefer minerals. They have both positive and negative sides.

Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are preferred based on the fact that they are less dangerous and do not release toxic substances into the soil. This is the basic rule when growing fertile plants, both for yourself and for industrial purposes. They are often prepared independently, without additional financial costs.

    The following types of organic fertilizers are distinguished:

  1. Manure. It contains all the necessary elements in its composition, but at the same time weeds and parasites may be present in it. When applying, it is important to know the application rate, and not to overdo it.
  2. Humus. Cow or horse humus is especially popular. But you should be careful, because with an overabundance, the taste qualities of the fruits deteriorate.
  3. Compost. It is made from leaves and plants that rot naturally.
  4. Sawdust. They affect the acidity of the soil.


  • increase soil fertility and improve its structure;
  • accessibility
  • natural origin;
  • activate vital activity of important microorganisms.


  • can create an imbalance of elements, since they are quite difficult to balance without knowledge;
  • in case of violation of the dosage norm, they pose a danger to fruits;
  • may contain parasites that damage plants and spoil crops;
  • organic matter sometimes attracts toxins, so you should pay special attention to the dose.

Mineral fertilizers

Unlike organics, mineral elements are manufactured in the factory. Manufacturers provide a large amount of mineral fertilizers: potassium, boron, iron, nitrogen, etc. They can be mixed with each other, or used in combination with organic compounds.

Important! Despite the danger of applying fertilizers of mineral origin, a properly selected dose of the substance will not harm the plant. With proper application and compliance with the timing of fertilization, you can notice an improvement in the appearance of crops, an increase in soil fertility and crop quality.


  • high efficiency — increases the resistance of plants and their fertility;
  • benefit — if crops are grown on an industrial scale, since there is a high chance of achieving maximum yield;
  • increasing plant resistance to diseases and pests;
  • ease of use — the nutrients are immediately available in an accessible form;
  • versatility — one type of fertilizer can be applied to different crops.


  • the ability to accumulate toxins, which further aggravate the state of the environment, worsen the harvest;
  • they are washed away by rainwater over time.

Methods of applying mineral fertilizers

    There are three main ways to apply fertilizers:

  1. The main one is that fertilizer is applied beforehand before processing the site.
  2. Near—sowing - fertilization during sowing for sealing.
  3. As a top dressing, it should be applied during the growing season.

The timing of fertilization depends on the planting season. Spring is considered a favorable time of year for nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. There are specific stages of application of mineral elements, which directly depend on the technique used.


By applying fertilizers, the main method creates a reserve of nutrients in the soil, which will be in an accessible state for crops throughout the growing season. At the same time, it is important to take into account the following factors: the composition of the soil, the crop being grown, and the control of nutrients contained in the soil.

Nutrients in the soil

    You can apply fertilizer in the following ways:

  • local
  • scattered
  • close-sown

The sowing technique is characterized by the fact that it is necessary to apply fertilizers during sowing, under the sealing of the hole. Such a system ensures the stability of immature plants in conditions when their root system is not yet sufficiently developed. It is necessary to apply fertilizer in small doses, in order to avoid an overabundance of soil with nutrients. In case of non-compliance with the dosage rules, there is a risk that the intake will negatively affect young plants, or even lead to their death.

    Advantages of the fertilizer application system when sowing for sealing:

  1. Substances introduced for sowing accelerate the process of plant formation and strengthen its system.
  2. The intake provides the crops with an acceptable supply of nitrogen and potassium.
  3. By applying fertilizers for sowing, plants become more adapted to adverse climatic conditions, sudden temperature changes, and acquire immunity to infectious diseases. In some cases, the need for fertilizing is eliminated.

Top dressing

Top dressing is characterized by a system of saturation of plants with the necessary elements. It has a positive effect on yield indicators, including the quality of fruits. The application of fertilizers is relevant during the period of active growth and development of the crop, including during the formation and ripening of the crop.

    Top dressing of plants can be performed by:

  1. Watering
  2. Spraying liquid from a spray bottle.
  3. Introduction of the substance into the soil.
The choice of the method of fertilizing plants with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus depends on: the condition of crops, the type of soil, its characteristics, including the climatic conditions of the region. These activities play an important role in the vital activity of plants, saturating them with nutrients that contribute to the development of the root system and the set of green mass. In addition to all the above, the soil is saturated with useful minerals, and increases the productivity of agriculture. It is important to apply the correct doses of a particular fertilizer, based on the area of the site and soil characteristics.

Kocherga Valentin Andreevich — Project manager
With respect,
Kocherga Valentin Andreevich
Project manager
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