BIOstrat, an analogue of AMMOFOS

Nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium + organics = similar in effect to AMMOPHOS 12:52

up to 39,000 rub.
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Application rates
Technology description

In collaboration with domestic specialists in the fields of chemistry and microbiology, BIOstrategy has developed and implemented a technology for the production of organic-mineral fertilizers from chicken manure and cattle manure. This technology allows preserving the original value of the fertilizer, avoiding the negative factor of nitrogen conversion into ammonia.

Organic-Mineral Fertilizers (OMF) by BIOstrat are products of the fermentation of chicken manure or cattle manure, along with mineral additives based on unique formulations, into high-quality compost. This compost is dried at a high temperature and then granulated.

They come in the form of cylindrical granules with a dark brown color, a diameter of 4 mm (used for seeders) and 5 mm (spread by machine), with an average length of 10 mm and without a pronounced unpleasant odor. The bulk density of the granules is 600-650 kg/cubic meter.
The fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium essential for plants, as well as a complete set of microelements (calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, boron, iron) and over 70% organic matter + mineral additives increasing the NPK content.

The processing of fresh organic matter allows the preservation of organic compounds in the resulting organo-mineral fertilizers and their direct transfer into soil mineralization, as well as the inclusion of mineral components. This ensures, compared to other technologies, the most complete supply of soil with energy material and food for microorganisms. The formation of complex, slowly soluble, and complex compounds in the obtained fertilizer allows the fixation of nitrogen and potassium in exchangeable form, reducing their mobility, while converting phosphorus into a form easily assimilated by plants. As a result, the utilization coefficient of nutrient elements from OMF reaches 90–95%, leading to a reduction in application doses (norm!) compared to mineral fertilizers.

The application of organic fertilizers in combination with mineral fertilizers, thanks to the activation of soil microorganisms, enhances the processes of nitrogen immobilization and organic matter mineralization in the soil. This ensures better utilization by plants, not only of soil nitrogen, including microbial biomass but also of mineral fertilizers.

The results of numerous studies have shown that even with full provision of agricultural crops with mineral nitrogen, no less than 50% of its content in the crop is obtained due to the decomposition of organic matter during the life activities of microorganisms and biological nitrogen fixation. This is fully provided by our organic-mineral fertilizers.

from 100 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha

The main product line of the Biostrategy company is Bio-Organic-Mineral Fertilizers (BOMF), which, in terms of effectiveness, are comparable to mineral fertilizers but significantly surpass them in their positive impact on crops and soil.

Bio-Organic-Mineral Fertilizers (BOMF) from Biostrategy are universal fertilizers suitable for all types of soils and all types of plants. Their composition is rich in micro and macro-elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as Mg, Ca, Mn, B, Mo, Fe, Zn, and others. The key advantages include increased crop yield, improved crop quality, long-term impact on the soil, as well as simplicity and low cost of application.

Our company specializes in the development and implementation of modern and innovative technical solutions for processing chicken litter and peat-sapropel mixtures into bio-organic-mineral fertilizers (BOMF) in granulated form to enhance crop yield and improve soil quality. The BOMF produced by our company is effectively used in combination with various types of bacteria and with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

For more details, refer to the document.

Organic matter and trace elements

At our production facilities in the Voronezh Region, we manufacture bio-organic-mineral fertilizers based on fresh undecomposed organic matter from the manure of large cattle, with the addition of mineral elements using a special technology. The technological solutions are based on our own developments, ensuring high quality and safety of the produced goods.

While developing and creating our product line, we closely collaborate with specialists from leading research institutions in the agricultural sector of our country.

The organo-mineral fertilizer contains 80-85% fresh, undecomposed organic matter, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and microelements. The application of organic fertilizers in combination with mineral ones, through the activation of soil microorganisms, enhances the processes of nitrogen immobilization and organic matter mineralization in the soil. This ensures better utilization by plants, not only of soil nitrogen, including microbial biomass but also of mineral fertilizers.

The processing of fresh organic matter is achieved by introducing mineral additives into the compost based on developed technological schemes, allowing the production of granules consisting of harmless compounds of the original components. The processing of fresh organic matter allows the conservation of organic compounds in the resulting organo-mineral fertilizers and their direct transfer into soil mineralization. This provides, compared to other technologies, the most complete supply of soil with energy material and food for microorganisms. The formation of complex, slowly soluble, and complex compounds in the obtained fertilizer allows the fixation of nitrogen and potassium in exchangeable form, reducing their mobility, while converting phosphorus into a form easily assimilated by plants. As a result, the utilization coefficient of nutrient elements from organo-mineral fertilizers reaches 90-95%, and consequently, application doses decrease compared to similar mineral fertilizers.

Presentation BioStrategy 2023

About our product

Please check the application rates for our products
Universal for all types of plants and soils
Different application
Different methods of applying the product
Accumulative effect is observed
for up to 3 years
Balanced organo-mineral composition
Increases yield by
more than 25%
soil fertility
Unique fertilizer formulations

Similar products

Application rates

500-1000 kg per 1 ha - grains and industrial crops

from 5,000 rub. per 1 ha

1000-2000 kg per 1 ha - potatoes and vegetables

from 10,000 rub. per 1 ha

General phosphorus
Total potassium
Application rates

250-350 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,500 rub. per 1 ha

500-800 kg per 1 ha - potatoes and vegetables

from 8,000 rub. per 1 ha

General phosphorus
Total potassium
Application rates

from 150 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha

Application rates

from 100 kg per 1 ha – grains and industrial crops

from 4,000 rub. per 1 ha

Application rates

Application rate: 200-300 ml per 1 hectare. Pre-sowing seed treatment. Consumption: 10 liters per ton

starting from 2,000 rubles per liter.

Application rates

Working solution consumption 10 l per 1 ton

from 118 rub. for 1 l. (without VAT)

Humic and fulvic acids
Macro and microelements
Application rates

The consumption of the working solution is 200 liters per hectare

At a rate of 118 rubles per 1 liter (excluding VAT)

Humic and fulvic acids
Macro and microelements

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